Friday, December 3, 2010

So I've been kinda busy...

I knew I had more or less abandoned my blog but I didn't realize it had been so long.  I have been on a serious crafting streak and that, combined with the mayhem that is my husband's management interview process, has led me to just not make time.

But I am hoping to be back, especially since I am now in possession of my very own, my very first laptop.  I have had many computers over the last 15 years or so, but this is my first laptop and I am loving it to bits.  My husband and I each have our own (non-matching) laptops so I can organize photos the way I want and have the icons I want on my desktop and the mouse speed is perfectly suited for my fingers :)

At any rate, here are some of the projects I have been working on:

Made little man some PJ loungy pants.  I don't let him sleep in them yet because of the whole fire safety thing.  I also refuse to buy flame retardant materials (unless they are naturally so) so he sleeps in snug fitting jammies and wears these on those lazy Sundays.  I used Alexander Henry's 2D Zoo in Pool.  Loves it.

He's real pleased with himself for climbing up on the chair WHILE getting pants put on him.

Close up.  I made the cuffs nice and long and hid extra elastic in the waistband for my growing toddler
I searched high and low for more of this fabric.  I bought a yard at JoAnn with no particular plan for it.  Then almost immediately determined that I would do his bedroom in a jungle-y theme when we move and went back for more.  They were out.  So were the nearest stores I could concievably drive to.  So were my favourite websites.  And finally, I decided I was unwilling to pay inflated prices and gave up.  Then I found 2D Zoo in Chocolate and fell even more madly in love.  Not too much blue.  So I found a good deal online and ordered 5 yards, plus 3 yards of the Teeny Tiny Zoo in Chocolate.  So far I have made him a duvet cover, but since we never bought a crib bedding set, I also had to make a duvet.  That was the hard part!  Got the tute for the duvet cover from Prudent Baby.  Incidentally, I also got his pants tutorial at Prudent Baby.  I love that blog.  I wish they had more little boys!

Jack's big boy conforter in all its glory.  He just woke up form a nap but I think he was kind of wanting to take another.
 I didn't want to waste yardage so I used that soft and comfy blanky stuff in long strips on each side, which made it more difficult to line up perfectly.  And can I just say that I love snaps?  I had no idea they were so easy to apply.  I could have been making onesies!  Makes me want to have another baby just so I can make onesies.  But, alas, a good friend is pregnant so come January when we find out if its a girl or a boy, I'll be ready!

I also made Jack an I-spy bag with the Pool and I swear I took a picture but I can't find it.  Possibly because I haven't yet moved all my pictures over yet.

I made some things for the above mentioned friend but they are a Christmas gift so I can't post them.  I also already wrapped them and never took pictures, but it was nothing terribly impressive I'm afraid.  My original plan didn't pan out and I had to improvise.

And I have been making loads of felt food for little man for Christmas, but I think I will post those in one separate post.  I haven't taken pictures of everything just yet.

I have a bunch of handmade Christmas gifts planned but since my husband just got a promotion and transfer and is supposed to start on December 16th, I'm not sure I'll get things done.  But it looks like we may jsut hang on and move after the new year, with him doing a lot of commuting in the mean time, so I'm hoping I can get as much use out of my mom's clever little serger as I can before I have to kiss it goodbye (but let's face it, we are moving 3.5 hours away so I can always come visit).

I had big plans for a handmade felt advent calendar but it looks like it may be next year.  I'm hoping to at least get our stockings done, though.

Anyone out there planning handmade holiday projects?  I love to see the massive increase in craftiness this time of year!

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